The Gospel According to ‘BIG RED’
The Gospel According to ‘BIG RED’!
Wayne Brown
Diversified Ministries = 843-796-0397
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
A package of “Big Red” chewing gum can be used to share the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! The BIG-gest gift God ever gave the world is the RED blood of Jesus who died for the sins of the world. Believe In God: Receive Eternal Deliverance! = BIG RED!
He takes away the SIN-OF MAN (cinn-a-mon) and the darkness of our lives (like the black letters) and purifies us as white as the snow (like the white letters).
For each person (“I” of BIG RED) who receives Jesus, the flame of God’s Holy Spirit dwells within those who believe. “Now” reminds us that “today is the day of salvation” and “longer lasting fresh breath” reminds us that the breath of God will last forever . . . eternally!
There is “no charge” to us for God’s love. It is a free gift, but the price on the package of the gum reminds us that our salvation did cost God something: the life of His Son, Jesus, on the cross of Calvary. (John 3:16) His only begotten Son paid the penalty for our sins as noted by the word “only.”
The striped bar code reminds us that “by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5) and that He loves all people, as represented by the colors: “red and yellow, black and white, we are precious in His sight!” The package also lists the ingredients of the gum, just as the Bible gives us all of the “ingredients” we need to live happily with God and with others!
The “5 sticks” remind us that Jesus was wounded (stuck) five (5) times for us: the nails in His hands (wrists) = 2; feet = 2; and the spear in His side = 1.
He wraps the whole world in His love just as the entire package is wrapped. He also wraps each of us individually in His love just as each individual stick of gum is wrapped, for He loves each of us equally as He loves all of us equally! We can receive His love as a gift!
As you open the package, you see a silver lining, which reminds us that in Jesus we find gifts far greater than silver and gold! Also, the silver wrapper is thrown away, reminding us that “silver and gold” and the things of this world will pass away, but God’s truth and love last forever!
Just as we have to open the gum to enjoy the sweet flavor, we must open our hearts to enjoy the sweet Savior! (Revelation 3:20) The gum has a sweet flavor which reminds us of the sweet love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The difference is that the gum loses its flavor the longer you chew it, just as sin loses its attraction with time, but the Savior grows sweeter with time, “for the longer we serve Him, the sweeter He grows!”
And that’s The Gospel According to ‘BIG RED’! I pray you will share the Gospel (“good news”) of Jesus Christ and that you will enjoy doing so! God bless you!