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Diversified Ministries Opening Page

‘Wefcome to (j)iversijiea 9dinistries

of Wayne ana Joy QJrown

DIVERSIFIED MINISTRIES: a BRIDGE for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through







DIVERSIFIED MINISTRIES seeks to involve individuals, churches, and businesses in short

and long-term mission endeavors through partnerships with missionaries locally, nationally,

and internationally. Creating awareness and providing training for mission service are two


God is using DIVERSIFIED MINISTRIES to help advance His Kingdom throughout the world

with Diverse Methods to reach Diverse People who have Diverse Heeds! The four purposes

of this global outreach are the following:

Missions Awareness

General Evangelism

Encouragement for ministers, missionaries and their families

ProcIuctlon of Christian LiterabJre and Music

Global Outlook for Missions

Past experiences and mission endeaVOfS of Wayne and Joy Brown have led them to an ever-deepening and intense desire to

share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the larger world. When the majority of the world’s almost seven billion

people ~have never heard what so many Christians take for granted,ff it is time for all of us to go from the pews of our

cnurches to the people of the world! Will you join in the local, national, and global outreach of DIVERSIFIED MINISTRIES by

praying •.. giving .•• and going?

For God so loved the world,

that He giJve His only begotten Son,

that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,

but have everlasting life_

John 3:16